School Council
At Regis Manor we are pleased to have an effective School Council that forms an integral part of our school community. Our group of representatives are elected by pupils in each class from year one to year six at the beginning of the school year. Meetings are held weekly and these allow the representatives to act as the voice of their peers. It is an amazing way to show good communication between representatives and their class. The School Council provides an opportunity for all children to share their views, concerns and ideas and then these can be raised at the meetings and acted upon. Our School Council benefits the whole school as it allows pupils to communicate their point of view. Additionally, it provides them with an opportunity to contribute to the welfare of others and help make decisions about their learning environment.
The School Council are involved in activities both in the school and out in the local community.
Some of the many activities the School Council has taken part in include:
- A visit to some local land near our school to plant seeds, led by Swale in Bloom. This has created a wild plant area to attract bees.
- Organising a Poster competition for all pupils to encourage children to walk to school. Their aim was to promote fitness, decrease air pollution and improve traffic congestion.
- The School Council formed an important role alongside our Head Teacher in organising a time capsule to be opened in the future. It was such an exciting thing to do and the capsule has now been filled with interesting items related to the school and buried in the school grounds.
- The School Council members have enjoyed a visit to clients at Regis Gate and enjoyed creating amazing Easter crafts together.
- A fantastic Anti-bullying display was created for our school.
- The School Council also took part in litter clearing at the local park alongside DS Smith.
- These are just a few of some of the amazing things Regis Manor School Council have contributed to.
- The School Council will continue to be a successful and important part of our school and we look forward to exciting things ahead.