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Latest News

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  • 28/05/24


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  • 28/05/24

    Lunch Bunch

    Now the weather is starting to improve, Lunch Bunch are having some fun in the sun and growing a range of plants and vegetables! 
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  • 28/05/24

    Online Safety

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  • 24/05/24

    Year 6 enjoy post-SATs celebrations

    Last Friday, Year 6 celebrated the completion of their SATs assessments by enjoying an ice cream and gaming bus experience.
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  • 17/05/24

    Online Safety

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  • 17/05/24

    Weekly Attendance

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  • 17/05/24

    Weekly Attendance

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  • 17/05/24

    Apple Tree Planting

    We recently received a very kind gift of apple trees that we planted on our school field this week. In time, these trees will grow to create a shady orchard and provide fruit for the school. Well done to all the children who helped with planting!
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  • 16/05/24


    In reception we have been reading the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar. We have explored the life cycle of a butterfly. It was fascinating.
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  • 16/05/24

    Fantastic Home Learning

    We have had another fantastic Viking ship made for homework, this time by Edmile in 5P.  Great work Edmile.
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  • 13/05/24


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  • 09/05/24

    Reading Ambassadors' visit to Regis Gate

    On Thursday, our Reading ambassadors paid a visit to Regis Gate. We spent the afternoon sharing our favourite books with the residents and reading with them.
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